Q: Can I place an order over the phone?
A: Currently, we do not accept orders or payment information over the phone. However, we offer a seamless online ordering process through our website, www.grabagun.com. Placing an order online ensures accuracy and efficiency in processing your purchase.
For our valued Texas residents who are near our storefront in Coppell, Texas, we welcome you to visit us during our normal business hours. If you're more comfortable with in-person assistance or have questions you'd like to discuss before making a purchase, our team will be more than happy to help you place your order. Please keep in mind that for firearm orders, it's unlikely that you'll be able to leave with the purchased firearm on your first visit. Typically, a second trip will be required once we've retrieved the firearm from our remote storage facility.
Your satisfaction and convenience are important to us, and we're committed to providing the best service possible. Whether you choose to order online or visit our storefront, we're here to assist you every step of the way.